WebMath: LiveMath

June Lester jalester at cecm.sfu.ca
Wed Nov 10 02:59:37 EST 1999

Folks - the public beta of v.3 of the LiveMath software/webware (formerly
known as Theorist, MathView, and MathPlus) is finally out, and can be
downloaded from the LiveMath website <http://www.livemath.com>.  For those
of you who have never seen it, this is a mathematics graphing/algebra/etc.
package specifically oriented for teaching.  Best of all, the files can be
saved in a format publishable within web pages, and read by a free plugin.
For examples of interactive materials produced with the plugin, see the
Visual Calculus website <http://archives.math.utk.edu/visual.calculus>,
which has just won an award at the NAWeb 99 conference.
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