WebMath: A question - and request for recommendation.

Robin Susanto susanto at langara.bc.ca
Mon Nov 8 18:37:59 EST 1999

First the question:

When I author a MATHML document using a particular software, does my 'reader'
need the same software in order to read it, or can he use any software that
supports Mathml? Or, can he use an ordinary browser, such as NetScape of
Internet Explorer?

And secondly, I wonder if anybody can recommend a Mathml authoring/editing
software for me. I am planning to construct fairly simple mathematical
expressions (mostly formulas for first and second year Statistics). And at this
point in time I am not thinking of any bells and whistles. I have checked
several vendor sites, and I have looked at their impressive samples. But I
wonder if anybody could tell me: "I have used this and I like it." 

Thanks . . .
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