WebMath: MathML editing in HTML editors?

Allan Sharp sharp at unb.ca
Mon Sep 20 15:57:38 EDT 1999

Regarding June Lester's question about HTML editors featuring native MathML
support, I have put in requests to three software companies to consider it
for their products but have only received the usual "Thank you for your
suggestion" automatic response.

The three I contacted were Dreamweaver and FrontPage among HTML editors
(they are the two that I use for my work, each with its own advantages), and
Adobe FrameMaker. The latter has a very good equation editor which is by far
the simplest to use (although not as elegant as Tex in the layout). At the
moment it exports gif files either directly or by using Quadralay's WebWorks
Publisher (which is a more powerful FrameMaker to HTML conversion program
than what is built in to FrameMaker). I have asked for a MathML output
capability for both FrameMaker and Quadralay. I have no information about
what they are planning, but presumably their plans will improve if they are
convinced that there is a high demand.

Dr. Allan R. Sharp
Dean of Science
UNB Fredericton
sharp at unb.ca
Voice:  (506) 453-4586
Fax: (506) 453-3570
Mail: PO Box 4400
           Fredericton, NB
          Canada, E3B 5A3
Subject: WebMath: MathML editing in HTML editors?

> A question: I know there are several groups working at producing MathML
> editors for use once the browsers support MathML, but does anyone know if
> HTML editors like, e.g., Adobe Golive or Macromedia Dreamweaver will
> include direct MathML editing support in the near future (not just for
> XML)?  It would be very useful to have MathML editing directly in the HTML
> editor rather than as a separate tool, but I haven't seen or heard
> anything, rumour or otherwise, that indicates that this is planned.
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