WebMath: math and shockwave

Les Productions Bonsaï bonsai at cam.org
Mon Sep 20 14:32:37 EDT 1999

Dear friends,

I have recently downloaded the latest version of the shockwave plug-in (
www.macromedia.com ). It comes equiped with a "remote control" type of
interface that lets the user pause or play the shockwave animations that
are displayed within his/her browser.

This "remote control" has another very interesting feature: it makes it
possible to search the web for sites that incorporate shockwave files. I
typed "math" in the  remote control's search
window and  was gratified with an interesting list of sites that are
related to math and that have a rich multimedia content.

We are now working on a website that will be used to teach basic math to
adults. We intend to incorporate lots of multimedia because it allows
concrete and interactive experiences.

I found great ideas in the shockwaved math sites I visited and I wanted
to share that with you.  I would certainly be interested to hear  from
you about sites that make a good use of multimedia
for mathematics.

Many thanks,



André Vanasse
Les Productions Bonsaï
6679 Drolet
Montréal, Qc
H2S 2S9
Tel.: (514) 495-4024

avanasse at aei.ca       bonsai at cam.org

La vidéo et le multimédia au service
de l'éducation populaire et de l'action sociale

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