WebMath: math text on the web

June Lester jalester at cecm.sfu.ca
Fri Sep 3 18:44:13 EDT 1999

David Carlisle <davidc at nag.co.uk> wrote:

>> 2.  TtH relies on the symbol font to work. . . .

>the tth pages have fairly full instructions on how to set this up on the
>various platforms.

Hmmm.  Using IE4.5 on a Mac (just checked again), I cannot get


to display correctly using any of the three Western character sets in IE,
and letting the page decide the fonts (i.e. using the instructions on that
page). (In fact, only when I use the Western(Mac) character set does IE
recognize my prop. font preference to be Times - for the other two, it
switches to a sans serif font - Ariel, I think, but the preferences still
say Times. Relevant?????)

The online TtH manual has instructions for X-fonts, and for Macs: I can get
them to work for NN(Mac), but not IE(Mac).  There are no instructions for
PCs under "9: Browser Problems", and the last time I checked this on a PC,
I couldn't get it to work there - in fact, for IE, the symbol font was not
even displayed as one of those allowed under the browser font preferences.
(All testing using the latest versions.)  The problem clearly has to do
with which fonts are allowed with which character sets somehow . . .

If you or anyone else can get the above page to display correctly with
IE(Mac) or with a recent PC browser, I'd really like to know how - it'd be
very helpful. :o)  Or point me to the relevant manual page.
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