WebMath: websites created by instructors to supplement their math class

Wed Aug 4 02:54:10 EDT 1999


I am investigating how the internet is being used to help teach
mathematics.  Specifically I am looking at web sites designed by you (the
instructor) for a class your teaching.  If you've made a web site for a
class your teaching/taught and would like to share the URL with me I would
be very grateful.

If you have a few extra minutes, I would also like to ask you a few
questions about your web site.  I have created a web page with the
questions and a form to submit your responses at
http://giton.westhost.com/math  I also provide a description of the
research I'm doing if your interested.

Thank you 

Treg Thompson
Purdue University Calumet
thompst at axp.calumet.purdue.edu
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