WebMath: TtH

Gisele Glosser info at mathgoodies.com
Sat Jul 24 18:39:56 EDT 1999


I find that IE does not cooperate.  I also have a Mac (and Windows 95).

Here is some info which may be helpful (from the Math Forum Newsletter).
I hope this helps,



  MathML is an application for describing mathematical 
  expression structure and content. Its goal is to serve, 
  receive, and process mathematics on the Web, just as HTML 
  has enabled this functionality for text. A number of groups
  are working on its implementation. For progress reports and
  other information, visit:

  - Mathematical Markup Language (MathML): W3C Recommendation
     from the World Wide Web Consortium: about interactions
     between MathML content and presentation tags, how MathML
     renderers might be implemented and should interact with 
     browsers, and MathML entities (extended characters) and
     their relation to fonts

  - MathML Information Center - Geometry Technologies, Inc.
     an extensive resource list, sample documents, and a 
     Web-based discussion group for MathML developers. 
     Includes A Gentle Introduction to MathML: 

     Also from Geometry Technologies: WebEQ: Putting Math on 
     the Web - a suite of Java applets that allow Web authors
     to include mathematics in their pages: 

  - MathML: Mathematical Markup Language - Pankaj Kamthan, 
    Computational Mathematics Lab., Concordia Univ., Canada
     a comprehensive source of information about MathML, with
     links to authoring tools; mailing lists and usenet groups; 
     companies and organizations supporting MathML; 
     documentation; information on the history and possible 
     future of MathML; examples and applications; 
     interoperability; information on links in MathML code and
     its syntax in general; news; lists of compilers, editors,
     renderers, and translators; and other Web resources

  - MathML - What's In It For Us? - Janus Boye
     an article presenting a brief history of the standard; 
     descriptions of the elements and attributes, tokens and 
     basic layout schemata, and containers; a demo of MathML 
     in a browser; the EzMath plug-in; the future of MathML; 
     Web references; and content and presentation element 
     reference tables 

June Lester wrote:
> I'm going to be designing an online distance ed version of a Calculus I
> course shortly, and so have been spending a lot of time and energy looking
> at ways to put mathematics text on web pages.  One method I've been looking
> at is TeX to HTML converters, like TtH
> <http://hutchinson.belmont.ma.us/tth/>, which uses tables and the Symbol
> font to produce pretty readable math text.  Unfortunately, I can only get
> it to work with Navigator on my Mac:  IE(Mac) will not recognize the Symbol
> font; neither will Navigator or IE on a Windows machine I tested (all
> recent versions).  (To check this out, try to change your browser's main
> font in the preferences to Symbol - IE and Navigator(Win) won't let you.)
> This apparently has something to do with which fonts these browsers allow
> for which text encodings, but I can't get any encoding that allows Symbol.
> So is this me or is it Microsoft?  Does anyone have any experience with
> TtH?  I understand TtH has been used fairly widely, so this must have come
> up before ?
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