WebMath: TtH

June Lester jalester at cecm.sfu.ca
Sat Jul 24 18:21:35 EDT 1999

I'm going to be designing an online distance ed version of a Calculus I
course shortly, and so have been spending a lot of time and energy looking
at ways to put mathematics text on web pages.  One method I've been looking
at is TeX to HTML converters, like TtH
<http://hutchinson.belmont.ma.us/tth/>, which uses tables and the Symbol
font to produce pretty readable math text.  Unfortunately, I can only get
it to work with Navigator on my Mac:  IE(Mac) will not recognize the Symbol
font; neither will Navigator or IE on a Windows machine I tested (all
recent versions).  (To check this out, try to change your browser's main
font in the preferences to Symbol - IE and Navigator(Win) won't let you.)
This apparently has something to do with which fonts these browsers allow
for which text encodings, but I can't get any encoding that allows Symbol.

So is this me or is it Microsoft?  Does anyone have any experience with
TtH?  I understand TtH has been used fairly widely, so this must have come
up before ?
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