[cmath] Call for Applications ECSAM

BIRS Facilitator birs-facilitator at birs.ca
Thu Mar 4 15:22:05 EST 2021

CAIMS <https://caims.ca/> and BIRS <https://www.birs.ca/> are proud to announce the Effective Communication Skills for Applied Mathematicians <http://www.ecsam.ca/> (ECSAM) workshop. ECSAM is a series of live online modules for applied mathematicians, statisticians, and data scientists looking to hone their ability to communicate with the general public via live interviews, op eds, blogs, or expert witness, etc. Shari Graydon <https://ecsam.ca/shari-graydon/> of Informed Opinions <https://informedopinions.org/> is the keynote workshop leader. 

ECSAM takes place virtually with 4 (possibly 5) two-day modules in May 2021. All modules run 9AM - 12PM (PST). 

May 6 - 7 	Why communicate with non-scientists, and why me? <https://ecsam.ca/module-1/>
May 13 - 14	Effective Communication Principles: Communicating Mathematics to the Lay Audience <https://ecsam.wordpress.com/module-2/>
May 20 - 21	Writing Compelling Commentary <https://ecsam.ca/module-3/> 
May 27 - 28	Becoming more Effective in Media Interviews  <https://ecsam.ca/module-4/>
June 3 - 4	TBA (Stay tuned!)

Applications for ECSAM are open from now until April 1st, 2021. Interested applicants can apply here <https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6VS5G4RA8PUUfie>. 

Registration is priced per module: $30 for students, $50 for faculty. 

Each module is limited to 30 participants. 

If you have questions about the program please e-mail birs-facilitator at birs.ca 

Best regards,

Jake Posacki
BIRS Station Facilitator 

Program Website: 

https://ecsam.ca <https://ecsam.ca/>

Program Poster:

https://ecsam.files.wordpress.com/2021/02/ecw_en.png?w=1536 <https://ecsam.files.wordpress.com/2021/02/ecw_en.png?w=1536>

Application Page:

https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6VS5G4RA8PUUfie <https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6VS5G4RA8PUUfie>

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