WebMath: Non-member submission from ["tot3830@helka.iif.hu" <tot3830@helka.iif.hu>]

Claude Brezinski claude.brezinski at univ-lille1.fr
Sun Dec 8 10:34:44 EST 2002

The only books in Frenc on number theory I know are old ones, to old to be

|                                                               |
| Claude Brezinski                                              |
|                       e-mail: claude.brezinski at univ-lille1.fr |
| 7 rue de Provence     phone : +33 (0)3 20 43 42 96            |
| 75009 - Paris         fax   : +33 (0)3 20 43 68 69            |
| France                http://ano.univ-lille1.fr/cb            |
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