WebMath: math learning and technology

Sharon Husch shusch at math.utk.edu
Sat Apr 21 13:53:27 EDT 2001


Several years ago, I read an article somewhere that claimed that
grades for students (in middle or high school, I believe)utilizing
computer or we-based tutorial technology for learning were not higher 
at the time if technology was used, but the information was
retained much longer.  It seems that the study looked at retention
of mathematics after several months or a year and those
utilizing technology for learning remembered about 80% of the 
information versus an abysmal 40%-50% in the traditional lecture/
recitation setting.

Does anyone know a reference for such a study?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Sharon Husch

Sharon Husch
Department of Mathematics
The University of Tennessee
(865) 974-2138

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