WebMath: mathematical exposition

June Lester jalester at cecm.sfu.ca
Tue Feb 8 18:09:29 EST 2000

WebMathers -

For a potential project, I'm looking for examples of good online
mathematical exposition.  Please note the word "online": I'm looking for
examples of pages that actually use online media to present mathematics -
hypertext, interactivity, animation, etc. - things that can't be done or
can't be done as well with ordinary paper media.  Not pages that just show
off a technology, but pages that show how a technology can be used for
innovative mathematical communication, in an educational context, a
research publication context or another context I haven't thought of yet.
Web pages that aren't just "ported paper".

Any and all relevant URLs gratefully accepted.  Also welcome are any
comments, opinions, discussion, etc. on what actually constitutes good
online mathematical presentation.


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