WebMath: math text on the web

June Lester jalester at cecm.sfu.ca
Fri Sep 3 15:06:43 EDT 1999

Thanks, Pam.

The first article has a very useful list.  However, there are some
limitations not clear from the latter article.

1.  TechExplorer only runs on Windows machines.

2.  TtH relies on the symbol font to work. Apparently (i.e. as far as I've
been able to find out), IE on the Mac and both NN and IE on PCs won't
recognize the symbol font. (Try changing your font preferences to symbol to
check this - you should get a mess of Greek.) Even/especially within the
<font ...>...</font> tag, it doesn't work (at least for me). I can get it
to work with NN on a Mac. This has something to do with the encodings used
in the browsers, but I still don't have an explanation or workaround. :o(

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