WebMath: math text on the web

June Lester jalester at cecm.sfu.ca
Thu Sep 2 22:53:56 EDT 1999

I've been looking at currently existing methods for putting mathematical
text up on the web, partly for an online calculus course I'm designing, and
partly for a survey talk I'll be giving in a few weeks.  I've looked at
several methods, but none seems to be robust and flexible enough for
extended use without a great deal of fiddling and hassles.  I realize that
we will soon(?) have browsers that support MathML (we have the editors
already), but I need to know what works *now*, if somewhat imperfectly.

If you have put up mathematics text on the web in any form, I would
appreciate knowing
	a) how you did it (GIFs? applets? . . .)
	b) the URL for it, if it's public
	c) your opinions on the feasibility of doing it this way.

Please reply to the list if you think your answer would be of general
interest. (Experience-based warnings of the form "don't do it this way" are
almost certainly of general interest :o) )
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