[grad-students] Deadline is October 31 - Poster Session at the CMS Winter Meeting

CMS Student Committee studc-announcements at cms.math.ca
Tue Oct 30 23:14:29 EDT 2012

*****Please distribute widely to your graduate and undergraduate 
*****We apologize for the cross-posting*****

Dear all,

This is a reminder that the deadline for submitting the posters for the 
AARMS-CMS Student Poster Session is October 31.

The AARMS-CMS Student Poster Session will take place on Saturday, 
December 8 and Sunday, December 9. Everyone is encouraged to present a 
poster on a topic of their choice in either English or French. 
Presenters are asked to give a short (~3-5min) informal presentation to 
the judges; based on the content, organization, and presentation, the 
judges will choose the top 3 winners. Each winner will receive two 
complimentary tickets to the banquet on December 9th as well as $100 and 
a framed award certificate.

Check out http://cms.math.ca/Events/winter12/students or 
http://studc.cms.math.ca/ for more information and to register.

You can follow this and other Studc's projects by liking us on Facebook: 

CMS Studc.

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