[cmath] Call for Applications for the Position of AARMS Director

David Langstroth dll at cs.dal.ca
Tue May 16 14:57:21 EDT 2023

Call for Applications
For the Position of AARMS Director

The Atlantic Association for Research in Mathematical Sciences is seeking a Director to provide scientific and administrative leadership. AARMS is a consortium supported by universities in the Atlantic provinces, provincial governments in Atlantic Canada, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). It provides funding for mathematical sciences research in the region, collaborative research groups, support for postdoctoral fellowships, an annual summer school for graduate students, and outreach by mathematical scientists to the schools, industry and other academic disciplines. For further information on AARMS please consult our website (www.aarms.math.ca<http://www.aarms.math.ca/>). Annual reports of our activities, including financial statements, can be found at https://aarms.math.ca/about/annual-reports/.<https://aarms.math.ca/about/annual-reports/>

The successful candidate will have a distinguished record of research in the mathematical sciences, and administrative or organizational experience (for instance, chair of a department, officer of a learned society, or editor of a journal). The Director is likely to hold a full time, part time or retired faculty position in a university in Atlantic Canada, although other candidates with a strong connection to the mathematical sciences in the region will also be considered. The ideal candidate will also have a strong commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).

The term of office for the Director of AARMS is three to five years renewable, with a preferred starting date of July 1, 2024. The position is unsalaried but the AARMS budget includes funds for partial support of a postdoctoral fellow supervised by the Director, and it includes funding for the buyout of two teaching courses per year if such can be negotiated at the Director’s home institution. The work of the Director is supported by an administrator, presently located at Dalhousie University, and by a Deputy Director, to be appointed.

Candidates will be considered by a search committee established by the AARMS Board of Directors. The committee will include members from universities in the Atlantic region, and from across Canada. Inquiries regarding the position or the search process may be directed to AARMS Executive Administrator David Langstroth (dll at cs.dal.ca).

Applications, or nominations with a statement of consent by the nominee, should be accompanied by a CV and Letters of reference from three referees, and should be sent directly to:

     David Langstroth,
     ExecutiveAdministrator, AARMS
     (dll at cs.dal.ca)

Shortlisted candidates will also be requested to submit a vision statement outlining how they see the role of the Director in relation to the challenges and opportunities of the next few years. Consideration of candidates will begin on September 15, 2023, and will continue until the position is filled.

Members of under-represented communities are encouraged to apply
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