ICME 10 and ICME 11

Eric Muller emuller at spartan.ac.brocku.ca
Thu Feb 26 09:09:02 EST 2004

Important dates and locations of the next two International Congresses on 
Mathematics Education - a message from Bernard Hodgson, Secretary-General 
of ICMI.
Best wishes

>This message concerns the ICMEs 10 and 11.
>1-)  ICME-10
>First, a reminder that the first deadline for registration to the Tenth 
>International Congress on Mathematical Education  (ICME-10), to be held in 
>Copenhagen on July 4-11 of this year, is FEBRUARY 28. This "early bird" 
>registration deadine comes with a substantially reduced registration 
>fees.  You are especially invited to urge your colleagues wishing to 
>obtain lower-priced accommodations to take action quickly.
>2-)  ICME-11
>As announced earlier, the Executive Committee of ICMI has received during 
>2002 three declarations of intent to present a bid for hosting ICME-11 in 
>2008, namely from China, Korea and Mexico.  The SARS problem in 2003 
>prevented our Chinese colleagues from completing the preparation of their 
>formal bid.  Sites visits to Korea and Mexico by a delegation of members 
>of the Executive Committee of ICMI were organised in 2003, which allowed 
>the EC to appreciate the quality of the local infrastructure, the support 
>the project was receiving in the country as well as the expertise of the 
>organising team.
>The ICMI Executive Committee is pleased to announce its decision of 
>accepting the invitation from Mexico.  We hope the international 
>mathematical education community will enthusiastically receive the 
>invitation of our Mexican colleagues for 2008, so to make ICME-11 a 
>memorable event from Mexican, Latin American and international 
>perspectives.  The precise dates and site of ICME-11 will be announced soon.
>The ICMI Executive Committee wishes to express its gratitude to the 
>mathematics education and mathematics communities in the three countries, 
>and especially the committee that prepared the Korean bid, chaired by 
>Professor Sung Je Cho, ICMI Representative from Korea and President of 
>Korean Sub-Commission for ICMI, and the committee that prepared the 
>Mexican bid, chaired by Professor Carlos Signoret, President of the 
>Mexican Mathematical Society.  The EC was highly impressed by the quality 
>of the two dossiers they presented and hopes that the enthusiasm of those 
>who supported these bids will reflect not only in ICME-11, but in future 
>ICMEs as well.
>Best wishes,
>Bernard R. Hodgson
>Secretary-General of ICMI -- Secrétaire général de la CIEM
>(International Commission on Mathematical Instruction /
>Commission internationale de l'enseignement mathématique)
>Département de mathématiques et de statistique
>Université Laval   Québec   G1K 7P4   Canada
>Téléphone : +1 418 656 2131, poste 2975
>Télécopie : +1 418 656 2817
>Courriel : bhodgson at mat.ulaval.ca

Eric Muller
ICMI representative for Canada
Department of Mathematics
Brock University
St Catharines, ON       phone:- 905 688 5550 ext. 1 3297
L2S 3A1                 fax:- 905 682 9020
email:- emuller at spartan.ac.brocku.ca
url:- http://www.brocku.ca/mathematics/people/muller/
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