The Coxeter Legacy- Invitation for Contributed Talks

Alison Conway aconway at
Mon Jan 26 17:31:50 EST 2004

Invitation for Contributed Talks
THE COXETER LEGACY - Reflections and Projections
A conference at the University of Toronto, May 12 through May 16, 2004

The symposium is centred around H.S.M. Coxeter's achievement and his
influence on mathematics.  We invite contributions on any topic connected
with Coxeter's research and vision. If you are planning to attend the
symposium and want to propose a 20-minute talk, please submit your title and
abstract to:

Confirmed Speakers include:
Alexandre Borovik (UMIST)
Michel Broué (Paris VII)
John Conway (Princeton)
Branko Grünbaum,(Washington)
James Humphreys (Massachusetts)
Mikhail Kapranov (Toronto)
Ruth Kellerhals (Fribourg)
Askold Khovanskii (Toronto)
Peter McMullen (UC London) 
Robert Moody (Alberta)
Egon Schulte (Northeastern)
Marjorie Senechal (Smith College)
Neil Sloane (AT&T Shannon Lab)
Ravi Vakil (Stanford)
Asia Weiss (York)
Jorg Wills (Siegen) 

Program Committee
C. Davis,E. Ellers, B. Grünbaum,J.W. Lorimer, P. McMullen, A. Sherk, R.
Vakil, A. Weiss, 

Sent by
Alison Conway  	| Program Manager 
416-348-9710	| The Fields Institute for 
ext.3026		| Research in Mathematical Sciences
222 College Street, Toronto, ON, M5T 3J1

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