The Fields Institute invites applications for funding to attend the 2017 Fields Medal Symposium in Toronto, Canada, from October 16-19, 2017.
Please apply for funding here: .


The 2017 Fields Medal Symposium will be centered on the work of Martin Hairer (Fields Medal 2014), and its current and potential impact. 

Time: 9am - 5pm (actual schedule TBA), October 16-19, 2017
Place: The Fields Institute (222 College St., Toronto, ON, Canada)


The Scientific Program of the Symposium is aimed at a wide audience, including graduate students, mathematicians in other research areas, and scientists who use mathematics in an important way.

The Public Opening Lecture of the Symposium will feature a mathematics lecture given by Martin Hairer. This public lecture will be held at the MaRS Discovery District at 7pm on October 16, 2017. 

The Student Night of the Symposium offers the opportunity for undergraduate and high school students to attend an evening talk by Martin Hairer (Fields Medal 2014) followed by networking (with plenty of time for questions / answers) and pizza.


All events will be broadcast live online whenever possible.


Registration Instruction: 

Please register for the Scientific Program of the 2017 Fields Medal Symposium here: . Registration is free.


For inquiries or more details, please contact:


Bryan Eelhart

Program Coordinator


The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences

222 College Street · Toronto, Ontario · M5T 3J1 · Canada


Telephone: 416 348 9710 ext. 2023
