[cmath] CWM funding call for 2020

Alejandro Adem adem at math.ubc.ca
Thu Nov 14 06:07:56 EST 2019

CWM funding call for 2020


The IMU Committee for Women in Mathematics (CWM) invites proposals for funding of up to €3000 for activities or initiatives taking place in 2020, with deadline 15 January, 2020.

Applications should be sent to applications-for-cwm at mathunion.org. aimed at either:

a) Establishing or supporting networks for women in mathematics, preferably at the continental or regional level, and with priority given to networks in developing or emerging countries. Help could include, for example, funding meetings, organizing round-tables at mathematical regional events, or support in creating websites. Please note that CWM will fund preferably activities taking place in a different location than the one already funded in the preceeding years (see www.mathunion.org/cwm/ for the list).

b) Organizing a mathematical school open to all with all women speakers and mainly women organizers. This type of mathematical school, which should include a significant proportion of time devoted to background and introductory material, can be a very effective way of showcasing the contributions of women mathematicians and creating an opportunity for female students to be in touch with women leaders, without excluding male students. Expenses covered by CWM could include, for example, costs for speakers, women organisers, or for women participants.

c) Organizing research workshops geared towards establishing research networks for women by fostering research collaborations during the event. Research Collaboration Conferences for Women (RCCWs) demonstrate successful models of such events in developed countries. These are week- long conferences, held at mathematics institutes or similar places where junior and senior women come together to work on pre-defined research projects. Events taking place in developing or emerging countries will have priority. Events taking place in developed countries may be considered if they explicitly state in their application that the grant will be used to support the travel or accomodation of participants from developing or emerging countries. We recognize that organizing such an event takes long time. Therefore, we may consider also events that may take place in 2021 for this category.

d) Other ideas for researching and/or addressing issues encountered by women in mathematics may also be considered.

Note that funding for individual research projects is not available.

Proposers should write a short description (no more than two pages) explaining the nature of their activity and how it fulfils one of the above aims, as well as indications on how the CWM money would be spent. Proposals shoud further include information about other sources funding if available.

There will be only one call for applications regarding activities in 2020, with deadline 15 January, 2020. Applications should be sent to applications-for-cwm at mathunion.org.
The authors of successful applications will be informed no later than 29 February 2020. Depending on demand, successful applications may not be funded in full. Successful applicants will be asked to send a short report of the activity with details of how the budget was spent one month after the end of their event.

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