[cmath] NSERC and the Canadian Math/Stats communities

Nassif Ghoussoub nassif at math.ubc.ca
Wed May 9 14:11:52 EDT 2018

Here is a post that gives my take -as a (former) member of the NSERC-Maths/Stats Liaison Committee— on how NSERC (under Mario Pinto) has been treating the math/stats communities and the institutes. And this is only about the 2014 and 2016 budget increases. The more important 2018 and beyond increases are still in play, hence the need to be alert and vigilant. We also need fresh leadership to monitor, advocate, push back if need be, and work for the future health of our disciplines. 
And please distribute if you find it useful to do so.


Nassif Ghoussoub, FRSC, OC
Scientific Director, Banff International Research Station
Distinguished University Scholar and Professor of Mathematics
The University of British Columbia

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