[cmath] Full-time Continuing Faculty Position - Quest University Canada

Alan Kelm akelm at cms.math.ca
Mon Nov 2 11:14:52 EST 2015

      Full-time Continuing Faculty, Applied Statistics and Mathematics or Quantitative Sciences

*About the position*: Quest University Canada invites applicants for a full-time continuing faculty position in applied statistics and mathematics, or quantitative sciences. The successful candidate will have an interest in and ability to apply statistical and mathematical tools to a broad array of applied and theoretical problems across disciplines. This ability may stem from a variety of academic backgrounds (including but not limited to statistics, mathematics, psychology, physical sciences, life sciences and/or humanities). A passion for teaching courses and mentoring student projects is required, along with exemplary communication and collaboration skills.

The applicant must be able to teach within our current Foundation program, and to be willing to teach our interdisciplinary milestone courses (Cornerstone, Keystone, Question, and/or Rhetoric). The applicant will develop Concentration courses in areas including research design, quantitative sciences, applied statistics, and applied mathematical modeling, that complement and contribute to our existing offerings. Please see the Course Calendar <http://www.questu.ca/assets/quest_course_calendar_2014.pdf> for further information on our courses, and the Faculty Directory <http://www.questu.ca/contact.html#faculty_list> for a description of current faculty areas of interest.

*About Quest*: Quest University Canada offers an interdisciplinary undergraduate liberal arts and science degree. Our courses, which run on a block schedule and are limited to 20 students, are intensive and highly interactive. Faculty members collaborate frequently across disciplines in curriculum development, teaching, mentoring, and pedagogical innovation. Further details about Quest and the application procedure can be found under Information for Faculty Applicants. <http://www.questu.ca/faculty_employment.html>

*Applicant requirements*: Candidates must have completed a PhD or equivalent by the time of appointment, and are expected to have taught at least one university-level course. (Candidates with less experience may wish to consider applying for our Post-doctoral Teaching Fellowships <http://www.questu.ca/teaching_fellows_position.html>.) All Quest faculty members engage in scholarship, and are encouraged to conduct research involving undergraduates, but those seeking a research-focused position should not apply.

To apply, please submit a single .pdf file that includes:

 1. A cover letter that explains what excites you most about this position;
 2. A curriculum vitae;
 3. A statement of how you see your strengths contributing to the undergraduate teaching and mentoring mission of the University, and to this position in particular;
 4. A /brief/ summary of your research background and interests, in the format or medium of your choosing (for a large-size or web-based submission, please provide a link to a url for access or download; please do not submit large files (>5MB) via email);
 5. The name and contact information for three references

Applications should be emailed to quantitative at questu.ca <mailto:quantitative at questu.ca> by *December 1, 2015*. Interviews for finalists will begin in December 2015/January 2016. The start date for the position will be August 1st, 2016. Hiring for this position is subject to budgetary approval.

This employment posting is among those listed in the Employment section of the CMS website:
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