[cmath] Ann Kajander recipient of the 2014 Margaret Sinclair Memorial Award

Luke Chang lchang at fields.utoronto.ca
Tue Feb 25 10:54:40 EST 2014

February 25 2014, TORONTO - Ann Kajander has been selected as the 2014
recipient of the Margaret Sinclair Memorial Award Recognizing Innovation and
Excellence in Mathematics Education. Dr. Kajander is an Associate Professor
at the Faculty of Education at Lakehead University with a PhD and an MA from
the University of Toronto, following a BSc from Lakehead and a BEd from the
University of Toronto. At the time of her appointment at Lakehead, Dr.
Kajander was teaching at elementary, secondary, and post-secondary level all
at once, in a clear demonstration of her commitment to mathematics education
through direct involvement in research, educational governing bodies, and
the classroom. 

Established in 2013, the annual Margaret Sinclair Memorial Award recognizes
an educator in Canada who has demonstrated innovation and excellence in
promoting mathematics education. Candidates for the award show an enthusiasm
for enhancing the learning environment and novel ways of teaching
mathematics, provide opportunities for students to experience mathematics in
a significant way, serve as a role model for other teachers, and have had an
inspirational influence on students and/or colleagues.

Dr. Kajander is an active member of the Fields Institute Math Education
Forum, the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group, the National Council
of Teachers of Mathematics, and the Ontario Association of Mathematics
Educators. She regularly consults professional mathematicians to be sure
that her resources reflect a high mathematical standard, and conversely
maintains contact with a network of teachers to make sure her work is
grounded in the day-to-day realities and challenges of their work. Her
participation as the only Ontario mathematics education researcher in an
NSERC CRYSTAL (Centres for Research in Youth Science, Mathematics and
Engineering Teaching and Learning) reflects her ability and desire to
connect with mathematicians and scientists, mathematics educators, classroom
teachers, teacher candidates, and ultimately students, and is representative
of the types of research and impact that was embodied in the work of
Margaret Sinclair. 

After hearing the news about the award, Dr. Kajander wrote: "I am beyond
honoured. One of the things I admired most, of the many things I admired
about Marg, was her energy and enthusiasm for doing the right thing,
regardless of any personal gain or recognition. I am most humbled by this
and grateful to you all."

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