[cmath] CFP: Fourth International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification (NSV 2011)

Sylvie Putot Sylvie.Putot at cea.fr
Fri Mar 11 10:30:52 EST 2011

                              CALL FOR PAPERS

NSV-2011 : Fourth International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification.

                 Cliff Lodge, Snowbird, Utah, July 14, 2011.

Associated to Computer Aided Verification CAV 2011 
(http://www.cs.utah.edu/events/conferences/cav2011/), July 14-20, 2011. 

The fourth workshop on Numerical Software Verification (NSV-2011) will be held
in Cliff Lodge, Snowbird, Utah, on July 14, 2011, and associated to the 
Conference on Computer Aided Verification CAV 2011.

The NSV workshop is dedicated to the current development and future prospects
on applying logical and mathematical techniques for reasoning about numerical
aspects of software. The workshop will also be an occasion to discuss robustness 
of software and systems under uncertainty of values and numerical perturbations, 
which is a central issue in numerical methods and robust control. 
The scope of the workshop includes the following topics:

-       Models and Abstraction Techniques,
-       Specifications of correctness for numerical programs
-       Formal verification of numerical programs,
-       Quality of finite precision implementations,
-       Propagation of uncertainties, deterministic and probabilistic models,
-       Numerical properties of control software,
-       Robustness of software and systems,
-       Analyses for functional properties: continuity, differentiability,
stability, robustness and well-conditioning,
-       Hybrid systems verification,
-       Validation for avionics, automotive and real-time applications.
-       Validation for scientific computing programs
-       Benchmarks and tools for numerical software verification

One aim of the workshop is to constitute a library of benchmarks for numerical
programs. We thus invite researchers of the field to submit not only original
research papers, but also benchmarks and tool papers. We will propose a very
informal and relaxed tool contest during the workshop, partially based on the
submitted benchmarks papers. Please inform us 3 weeks before the workshop of 
your intention to participate. We encourage tool writers to submit a tool paper, 
but if not please send us at least 3 weeks before a short description of your tool 
(in particular properties verified, language for the benchmarks, platform for installation).

We call for several categories of submissions (via easychair, see the web page
of the workshop http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/Labo/Sylvie.Putot/NSV-2011):
-       Regular original papers, not exceeding 15 pages using Springer's
     LNCS format
-       Extended abstracts, 5 pages using Springer's LNCS format
     (work in progress)
-       Benchmark papers, not exceeding 6 pages using Springer's LNCS format,
     describing test programs along with expected properties and results,
-       Tool papers, not exceeding 6 pages using Springer's LNCS format, and
     the intention (by email to the organizers) to participate or not in an
     informal tool contest on the benchmarks.

Final proceedings will be edited after the workshop, most probably as a special issue 
of ENTCS or Mathematics in Computer Science. This special issue will undergo 
the classical reviewing process.

Important dates
-       Paper submission deadline: March 31, 2011.
-       Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 6, 2011.
-       Workshop: July 14, 2011.

Workshop Organizers
Eric Goubault (CEA LIST, France)
Sylvie Putot (CEA LIST, France)
Stefan Ratschan (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
Sriram Sankaranarayanan (University of Colorado Boulder)

Program Committee
Sylvie Boldo  (INRIA Saclay - Proval)
Swarat Chaudhuri (Pennsylvania State University)
Michael Colon (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)
Eric Feron (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Stéphane Gaubert (INRIA Saclay - MaxPlus)
Nathalie Revol (INRIA - Arénaire)
Stephen F. Siegel (University of Delaware)
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