[cmath] [SIGSAM] CFP: PASCO 2010 (Grenoble, France)

William Turner turnerw at WABASH.EDU
Tue Feb 2 09:01:06 EST 2010

Please address any questions to Daniel de Angelis Cordeiro <Daniel.Cordeiro at imag.fr>.


               Parallel Symbolic Computation 2010 (PASCO 2010)

                   July 21-23, 2010 -- Grenoble, France


                      C A L L   f o r   P A P E R S

                           Initial Announcement


   The International Workshop on Parallel and Symbolic Computation (PASCO)
   is a series of workshops dedicated to the promotion and advancement of
   parallel algorithms and software in all areas of symbolic mathematical
   computation. The pervasive ubiquity of parallel architectures and 
   hierarchy has led to  the emergence of a new quest for  parallel
   mathematical algorithms and software capable of exploiting the various
   levels of parallelism: from hardware acceleration technologies 
   and multi-processor system on chip, GPGPU, FPGA) to cluster and global
   computing platforms. To  push up the  limits of symbolic and algebraic
   computations, beyond the optimization of the application itself, the
   effective use of a large number of  resources  --memory  and  general
   or  specialized computing  units-- is expected to enhance the 
   multi-criteria objectives: time, energy consumption, resource usage,
   reliability.  In this context, the design  and the  implementation of
   mathematical algorithms with  provable and adaptive performances is a
   major challenge.

   Earlier  meetings  in the  PASCO series  include  PASCO'94 (Linz, 
   PASCO'97 (Maui, U.S.A.), PASCO'07 (London, Canada).
   PASCO 2010 is affiliated with the  2010 International Symposium on 
   and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) in Munich, Germany.  Immediately 
prior to
   the ISSAC 2010 meeting,  PASCO will be held in Grenoble, France.

   The  workshop  PASCO 2010  will  be  a  three-day event  including 
   presentations and tutorials, contributed research papers and posters.
   Specific topics include, but are not limited to:
   * Design and analysis of parallel algorithms for computer algebra
   * Practical parallel implementation of symbolic or symbolic-numeric
   * High-performance software tools and libraries for computer algebra
   * Applications of high-performance computer algebra
   * Distributed data-structures for computer algebra
   * Hardware acceleration technologies (multi-cores, GPUs, FPGAs) applied
     to computer algebra
   * Cache complexity and cache-oblivious algorithms for computer algebra
   * Compile-time and run-time techniques for automating optimization and
     platform adaptation of computer algebra algorithms

Call for Papers:

   The  conference  invites submission of papers presenting original 
   either in the form of extended abstracts (2 pages) or full papers 
(up to 10
   pages) in ACM format.  As in previous years, PASCO 2010 will publish 
   proceedings of the accepted papers.

 Important Dates

   Paper submission deadline:               April 2 (Fri), 2010
   Notification of acceptance:              May 10 (Mon), 2010
   Camera-ready version of paper due:       May 28 (Fri), 2010
   Tutorials and Workshop in Grenoble:      July 21-23 (Wed-Fri), 2010

Conference Chairs:

      Marc Moreno Maza (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
                        <moreno at csd.uwo.ca>
      Jean-Louis Roch (Grenoble University, France)
                       <jlroch at imag.fr

Local Arrangements Chairs:

      Jean-Guillaume Dumas (Grenoble University, France)
                       <jean-guillaume.dumas at imag.fr
      Thierry Gautier (INRIA Grenoble, France)
                       <thierry.gautier at imag.fr>
      Clement Pernet   (Grenoble University, France)
                      <clement.pernet at imag.fr>

Publicity Chair:

       Daniel Cordeiro  (Grenoble University, France)
                        <daniel.cordeiro at imag.fr>


       Daniele Herog (INRIA Grenoble, France)
                 <daniele.herzog at inrialpes.fr>
       Christian Seguy (CNRS, France)
                 <christian.seguy at imag.fr>
       Ahlem Zammit-Boubaker (INRIA Grenoble, France)
                 <ahlem.zammit-boubaker at inrialpes.fr>

Program Committee:

      Daniel Augot (INRIA Saclay, France)
      Jean-Claude Bajard (Montpellier II University, France)
      Olivier Beaumont (INRIA Bordeaux, France)
      Bruce Char (Drexel University, USA)
      Gene Cooperman (Northeastern University, USA)
      Gabriel Dos-Reis (Texas A&M University, USA)
      Jean-Christophe Dubacq (LIPN, Université Paris 13, France)
      Jean-Guillaume Dumas (Grenoble University, France)
      Jean-Charles Faugere (INRIA - UPMC, France)
      Matteo Frigo (Intel, USA)
      Thierry Gautier (INRIA Grenoble, France)
      Pascal Giorgi (LIRMM, France)
      Stef Graillat (Université Paris 6, France)
      Jeremy Johnson (Drexel University, USA)
      Erich Kaltofen (NCSU, USA)
      Herbert Kuchen (University of Muenster, Germany)
      Philippe Langlois  (University of Perpignan, France)
      Anton Leykin (Georgia Tech, USA)
      Gennadi Malaschonok (Tambov State University, Russia)
      Michael Monagan (Simon Fraiser University, Canada)
      Winfried Neun (Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany)
      Clement Pernet (Grenoble University, France)
      Nicolas Pinto (MIT, USA)
      Manuel Prieto-Matias (Complutense university of Madrid, Spain)
      Markus Pueschel (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
      Nathalie Revol (INRIA - LIP, France)
      David Saunders (University of Delaware, USA)
      Eric Schost (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
      Wolfgang Schreiner (RISC, Austria)
      Arne Storjohann (University of Waterloo, Canada)
      Sivan Toledo (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)
      Gilles Villard (CNRS, France)
      Yuzhen Xie (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
      Kazuhiro Yokoyama (Rikkyo University, Japan)


   PASCO 2010  http://pasco2010.imag.fr/
   ISSAC 2010  http://www.issac-conference.org/2010/

   Submission  http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pasco2010

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