[cmath] Nominations to the IMU

Niky Kamran nkamran at math.mcgill.ca
Mon Apr 20 11:22:59 EDT 2009

Dear Colleagues, Chers Collegues,

The International Mathematical Union (IMU) Nominating Committee has issued 
a call for nominations for the offices of President and Secretary of IMU. 
The International Affairs Commitee (IAC) of the CMS has the mandate of 
submitting names for these high profile positions on behalf of the 
CMS. The International Affairs Commitee of the CMS welcomes suggestions 
from the membership of the CMS of names of Canadian Colleagues who could 
be nominated for these positions. Suggestions should be sent to the IAC at 
iac at cms.math.ca, preferably by Monday May 11, 2009.

Thank you very much.

Niky Kamran, on behalf of the IAC.

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