[cmath] Fwd: Mathematics Support Centres at Universities across Canada

Peter Taylor peter.taylor at queensu.ca
Fri Mar 20 10:19:12 EDT 2009

I forward an interesting call for information and 
collaboration from a colleague in Ireland.
The subject is Mathematics Support Centres.
I know that since we opened ours at Queen's a few 
years ago (staffed by undergrads and grads) it 
has transformed the work life of many of our 
students and we have also seen the same "social 
and friendly atmosphere" arise.

>From: Florence Glanfield <<mailto:glanfiel at ualberta.ca>glanfiel at ualberta.ca>
>Date: March 19, 2009 10:01:27 AM MDT (CA)
>To: CMESG listserve 
><<mailto:cmesg-l at lists.nipissingu.ca>cmesg-l at lists.nipissingu.ca>
>Cc: Ciarán MacanBhaird 
><<mailto:ciaranmacanbhaird at gmail.com>ciaranmacanbhaird at gmail.com>
>Subject: [Cmesg-l] Mathematics Support Centres at Universities across Canada
>We recently received the following email from 
>Dr. Ciarán Mac an Bhaird, Math lecturer and 
>Manager of the Math Support Centre in the 
>National University of Ireland, Maynooth:
>"My principle area of work is in Math Support 
>and education.  In Ireland, and Europe in 
>general there is a big problem with service Math 
>students coming to third level with severe 
>weaknesses in their basic Math abilities and 
>indeed with a very negative attitude towards the subject.
>Setting up Math Support Centres in Universities 
>is one of the responses we have taken.  Our 
>centre had 2493 visits in 20 weeks during the 
>last academic year, and this year we are already 
>past 3500 visits.  There is a very social and 
>friendly atmosphere generated in the centre and 
>students are beginning to enjoy their Math.  The 
>popularity is not evidence of success but we 
>have conducted research and submitted papers 
>which points out that the support significantly 
>changes students' attitudes towards Maths, their 
>studying habits and their mathematical 
>abilities.  Students, particularly weaker 
>students, perform significantly better in exams than students who don't attend.
>Anyway, finally to my point.  I am very 
>interested in innovations in Math support and 
>education.  I am involved in collaborations with 
>SIGMA (The UK Centre of Excellence in Maths and 
>Stats Support) and I have set up and been 
>elected to the committee of the Irish Maths Support Network.
>There is an Irish-Canadian scholarship which 
>encourages and promotes co-operation between our 
>two countries and I would also like to apply for 
>that, if it is feasible, to help with any possible work that we can do."
>If you are able to share the work that is 
>happening at your university with respect to 
>Mathematics Support Centres, or if you are able 
>to send the name of a contact, to our colleague 
>in Ireland, then please correspond directly with 
>Dr. Ciarán Mac an Bhaird. Dr. Ciarán Mac an 
>Bhaird's email address is 
><mailto:ciaranmacanbhaird at gmail.com>ciaranmacanbhaird at gmail.com.
>Florence Glanfield PhD
>President CMESG/GCEDM
>Department of Secondary Education
>341 Education South
>University of Alberta
>Edmonton AB T6G 2G5
>780 492 3673 (phone)
>780 492 9402 (fax)

Peter Taylor
Dept Math&Stats
Queen's University
Kingston ON K7L 3N6
613 533-2434
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