[cmath] Call for nominations

Juris Steprans steprans at fields.utoronto.ca
Mon Jul 21 14:30:51 EDT 2008

The Fields Institute is searching for an individual to act as Interim Deputy Director for the six month period from January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009. In addition to assisting with the overall direction of the Institute, the duties of the person holding this position will include:

1. Reviewing financial statements and reporting on them to the Board of Directors.
2. Helping prepare the budget for the 2009-2010 fiscal year.                                            3. Administering the general scientific activity program (obtaining reviews and helping make support decisions based on the information received.)
4. Taking part in meetings of the Board of Directors, Scientific Advisory Panel and similar other bodies of the Institute.
5. Supervising some of the Institute's publishing activities.
6. Taking an active part in the MathEd Forum.
Compensation and relocation costs will be negotiated and approved by the Board of Directors.
Interested individuals should contact the current Deputy Director, Juris Steprans, either by email at steprans at fields.utoronto.ca or by phone at 416-348-9710 ext. 3020. Nominations for this position are also welcome. The deadline for applications and nominations is August 15, 2008.

------------------------------------------------------------------        Juris Steprans, Deputy Director |       steprans at fields.utoronto.ca             
The Fields Institute            |       416-348-9710 ext. 3020                  
222 College Street              |       416-348-9714 (fax)                      
Toronto, Ontario        M5T 3J1 |       416-955-1296 (home)                     

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