[cmath] Bimonthly Canadian Noncommutative Geometry workshop, April 5 @Fields

Dan Kucerovsky dkucerov at unb.ca
Thu Mar 27 10:12:28 EDT 2008

John Phillips (Victoria) speaks on: 
An Index Theory for Certain Gauge Invariant KMS Weights on C*-algebras. 
10:30am, April 5, 2008 at the Fields Institute, Toronto

Abstract:  We present, by examples, an index theory appropriate to 
algebras without trace. In particular, our examples include the Cuntz 
algebras and a separate class of C^*-algebras that generate all injective 
III_\lambda factors for 0<lambda<1. Our main result is an index theorem 
(formulated in terms of spectral flow) using a twisted cyclic cocycle 
where the twisting comes from the modular automorphism group for the 
canonical gauge invariant KMS state in the case of the Cuntz algebras (in 
the other examples we use the modular automorphism group coming from a 
natural weight).
   We introduce a modified K_1-group for these algebras that we can pair 
with this twisted cocycle. As a corollary we obtain a noncommutative 
geometry interpretation for Araki's notion of relative entropy in the 
Cuntz examples.
   This is joint work with Alan Carey and Adam Rennie.

The next lecture, by Alexander Gorokhovsky (U. Colorado) will be in the 
month of June, at the Fields Institute. A precise date will be announced 

This bimonthly workshop aims to cover new developments in Noncommutative 
Geometry, and each workshop features a keynote address by one of the top 
people in the field. The general theme for the first year is index theory. 
Lectures take place at the Fields Institute in Toronto, Canada.

Support for graduate students is available, please
enquire, ncgworkshop at unb.ca.

Masoud Khalkhali, Dan Kucerovsky, Bahram Rangipour

This workshop is associated with the Center for Noncommutative
Geometry and Topology at the University of New Brunswick,
www.math.unb.ca/~dan/copal/Centre\_main.htm, and with the math 
department at UWO. We thank the Fields Instutute for financial support.

  Dan Kucerovsky, Professor      dan at math.unb.ca
  Director of the Centre for Noncommutative Geometry and Topology
  Editor, AARMS book series (see www.aarms.math.ca/publications/)
  Dept. of Math&Stats            http://www.math.unb.ca/~dan
  UNB                            Phone: 506-458-7370
  Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3        Fax: 506-453-4705
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