[cmath] Fwd: ICMEs

Peter Taylor peter.taylor at queensu.ca
Thu Jan 17 09:38:24 EST 2008

Dear colleagues:
Some important news on three ICME's from Bernard:
deadlines for ICME 11 and location for ICME 12!

>1-)  ICME-10
>The publication of the Proceedings of the Tenth 
>International Congress on Mathematical 
>Education  (ICME-10), held in Copenhagen in 
>2004, has met with unexpected delay.  Two major 
>reasons explain this delay, one being connected 
>to a serious illness of the Congress Secretary 
>and Administrative Editor, and the other to some 
>internal turbulence caused by the installation 
>of a new university management at the host 
>institution of the editorial team in 
>Denmark.  But the organisers of ICME-10 have 
>recently announced that the editorial work on 
>the Proceedings is about to be completed and 
>that the book is very close to go to the printer.
>2-)  ICME-11
>Here is a reminder of important deadlines for 
>the Eleventh International Congress on 
>Mathematical Education  (ICME-11), to be held in 
>Monterrey, México, on July 6-13 of this year:
>--  JANUARY 25 (or close to this date)
>Submission of proposals for various components 
>of the programme, in particular TSGs and DGs
>--  FEBRUARY 15
>Submission of applications to the ICME-11 Grant programme
>--  MARCH 2
>"Early bird" registration
>Also please make sure to note in your agenda 
>that the General Assembly of ICMI will be held 
>on the day prior to the opening of ICME-11, 
>Sunday July 6, all day.  Details on the venue 
>and exact time will be announced later.
>More information on ICME-11, including a pdf of 
>the Second Announcement, is available on the congress website
>3-)  ICME-12
>As reported earlier, the Executive Committee of 
>ICMI has received by November 2006 three bids 
>for hosting ICME-12 in 2012, namely (in alphabetical order) from
>--  China  (Shanghai)
>--  Korea  (Seoul)
>--  South Africa  (Durban)
>Site visits were organised early in 2007, the 
>visiting team being composed of ICMI President 
>Michèle Artigue, Vice-President Bill Barton and 
>myself.  The visits allowed the Executive 
>Committee to appreciate the quality of the local 
>infrastructure, the support the project was 
>receiving in the country as well as the 
>expertise of the organising team. The bids were 
>thoroughly discussed by the ICMI EC at its 
>meeting in London last June, which led to 
>requests for additional pieces of information 
>from the bidding countries.  The final decision 
>was made through an email discussion that took 
>place between October and December 2007.  The 
>high quality of the three proposed bids made the 
>decision task especially difficult.
>The ICMI Executive Committee is pleased to 
>announce its decision of accepting the 
>invitation from Korea.  We hope that the 
>international mathematical education community 
>will enthusiastically receive the invitation of 
>our Korean colleagues for 2012, so to make 
>ICME-12 a memorable event from Korean, Asiatic 
>and international perspectives.  The precise 
>dates of ICME-12 will be announced later and a 
>Korean delegation will be present at ICME-11 to 
>provide information on the 2012 ICME.
>The ICMI Executive Committee wishes to express 
>its deepest gratitude to the mathematics 
>education and mathematics communities in the 
>three bidding countries, and especially to the 
>three persons who chaired the committees that 
>prepared the bids, namely Professors Jianpan 
>Wang (China), Sung Je Cho (Korea) and Renuka 
>Vithal (South Africa).  It goes much beyond 
>lip-service to say how impressed the ICMI EC was 
>by the high professionalism shown in the 
>preparation of the dossiers and the dedication 
>of the bidding teams.  It is our hope that the 
>enthusiasm of those who supported these bids 
>will reflect not only in ICME-12 (and ICME-11!), but in future ICMEs as well.
>The ICMI Executive Committee wishes to stress 
>that since two of the current EC members are 
>from one of bidding countries --- namely 
>Vice-President Jill Adler (South Africa) and 
>Member-at-Large Frederick Leung (China / Hong 
>Kong) ---, they have taken no part in the 
>discussion or decision-making about ICME-12, nor 
>have had access to the competing bids.
>Best wishes,
>Bernard R. Hodgson
>Secretary-General of ICMI -- Secrétaire général de la CIEM
>(International Commission on Mathematical Instruction /
>Commission internationale de l'enseignement mathématique)
>Département de mathématiques et de statistique
>Université Laval   Québec   G1K 7P4   Canada
>Téléphone : +1 418 656 2131, poste 2975
>Télécopie : +1 418 656 2817
>Courriel : bhodgson at mat.ulaval.ca
>Cyberpage personnelle:  http://www.mat.ulaval.ca/profs/hodgson/
>Cybersite CIEM / ICMI website:  http://www.mathunion.org/ICMI/
>Avis relatif à la confidentialité / Notice of 
>Confidentiality / Advertencia de 
>confidencialidad http://www.rec.ulaval.ca/lce/securite/confidentialite.htm

Peter Taylor,
Dept. Math&Stats
Queen's University
Kingston ON
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