[cmath] Recipients of the 2008 Andre-Aisenstadt Prize: Solymosi (UBC) and Taylor (Montreal)

François Lalonde directeur at crm.umontreal.ca
Sat Nov 17 00:44:41 EST 2007

Jozsef Solymosi (University of British Columbia) and Jonathan Taylor  
(Université de Montréal) recipients of the 2008 André-Aisenstadt Prize

MONTREAL, November 16, 2007 - The recipients of the 2008 André- 
Aisenstadt Mathematics Prize were recently announced by the  director  
of the Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM), François Lalonde.  
This year, the competition was harder than ever -- the CRM scientific  
advisory panel recognized the beauty, the impact and the splendid  
originality of the results of both recipients.



for the composition of the CRM international committee -- almost all  
of its members were present at the CRM for the selection of the  

The 2008 Aisenstadt Prizes

Concerning the works realised by Jozsef Solymosi (University of  
British Columbia), each member of the selection committee was struck  
by the extraordinary efficiency and elegance of his results at the  
cutting edge of a new field, additive combinatorics (sometimes called  
arithmetic combinatorics) that combines combinatorics, harmonic  
analysis, number theory and probability. They appreciated the  
simplicity and deep insight in each of his works.

In Jonathan Taylor's work (Université de Montréal), the committee was  
impressed by the exceptional breath of expertises  in probability,  
geometry and statistics and their impact in so many fields of reseach  
-- although the committee only took into consideration the  
mathematical aspects of his works, this was already enough to award  
the Prize to Taylor with enthusiasm.

For further information: Francois Lalonde, director, CRM, 514  
343-7501,  director at CRM.UMontreal.CA
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