[cmath] Fwd: ICME-11: Online survey --- DG 28

Peter Taylor peter.taylor at queensu.ca
Thu Oct 25 12:25:35 EDT 2007

The following might well be of interest for a 
couple of reasons.  First the organizers of DG28 
for ICME-11 have an on-line survey which some of 
you might want to complete.  Secondly they ask an 
interesting question related to the aims of their 
discussion group.  Their question about a "world 
federation of mathematics teacher associations" 
might remind us that we in Canada are still 
struggling with the notion of a national association of math teachers.

>The Eleventh International Congress on 
>Mathematical Education (ICME11, 
>http://icme11.org/  ) will take place in 
>Monterrey,  Mexico in July 2008.  Among many 
>other activities, the scientific program for 
>this ICME 11 includes Discussion Groups, meant 
>to gather congress participants who wish to 
>actively discuss the issues pertaining to the theme of each DG.
>We are the Organising Team for Discussion Group 
>28: "The role of professional associations in 
>mathematics education: locally, regionally, and 
>globally." (see http://dg.icme11.org/tsg/show/29 )
>In order to prepare for the discussion we have 
>designed a short online survey to learn more 
>about associations dealing with mathematics and 
>mathematics education around the world.
>If you are involved in an association related 
>(in some way) to mathematical education, we hope 
>you can spend a few minutes to answer our survey.
>The link to the survey is
>We also have a version of the survey in Spanish, at
>The information gathered in the surveys will 
>help to develop background papers, and to 
>identify people to take leading roles in the discussions.
>In case you would also like to participate in 
>the Discussion Group 28 in Monterey, we will 
>welcome a contribution about the following questions addressed by our DG:
>"How do Associations of mathematicians, 
>mathematics teachers and mathematics education 
>researchers see their roles in promoting and 
>improving research and practice in mathematics 
>education? How do they undertake their work? 
>What, in particular, is their role in relation 
>to educational reform? To what extent do the 
>different groups (mathematicians, mathematics 
>teachers and mathematics education researchers) 
>collaborate? Should the relations between 
>associations be strengthened? Is there a new 
>role for associations in the context of the 
>current global trend for evaluation of 
>performance through PISA, TIMSS etc.? Would it 
>be desirable to establish a world federation of 
>mathematics teacher associations to help respond 
>to this and other global trends and issues?"
>Then, after answering to the survey, you can 
>send, before December 1st, a 2 page abstract to 
>both chairs of DG28 at following addresses:
>wmorony at aamt.edu.au  and chahn at negocia.fr
>Authors with accepted submissions will be asked 
>for an extended version of their contribution 
>(maximum 6 pages) before January 31, with final 
>papers (6 pages) due by 31 March.
>If you would like more information about ICME11 
>or the Discussion Groups, please go to the 
>ICME11 website ( http://icme11.org/ ). If you 
>need further information about the survey, please contact us directly by email.
>We  thank you in anticipation of your contribution.
>Yours sincerely
>Corinne Hahn [France] and Will Morony [Australia], co-chairs
>(on behalf of the DG 28 Organising Team -  Lindi 
>Tshabala [South Africa], Diana Jaramillo [Colombia] and Tomas Recio [Spain])
>Bernard R. Hodgson
>Secretary-General of ICMI -- Secrétaire général de la CIEM
>(International Commission on Mathematical Instruction /
>Commission internationale de l'enseignement mathématique)
>Département de mathématiques et de statistique
>Université Laval   Québec   G1K 7P4   Canada
>Téléphone : +1 418 656 2131, poste 2975
>Télécopie : +1 418 656 2817
>Courriel : bhodgson at mat.ulaval.ca
>Cyberpage personnelle:  http://www.mat.ulaval.ca/profs/hodgson/
>Cybersite CIEM / ICMI website:  http://www.mathunion.org/ICMI/
>Avis relatif à la confidentialité / Notice of 
>Confidentiality / Advertencia de 
>confidencialidad http://www.rec.ulaval.ca/lce/securite/confidentialite.htm

Peter Taylor,
Dept. Math&Stats
Queen's University
Kingston ON
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