[cmath] New Book in CMS Treatises in Mathematics Series

Alan Kelm akelm at cms.math.ca
Mon Oct 15 14:12:54 EDT 2007

The Canadian Mathematical Society and A K Peters are pleased to announce 
the joint publication of the first book in the /CMS Treatises in 
Mathematics/ Series. 
The first title in this Series, Summa Summarum by Mogens Esrom Larsen, 
is a reference and introduction to the art of manupulating sums and 
discovering combinatorial identities.  To read more, including the Table 
of Contents and Preface, please scroll down.

CMS Members receive a 20% discount on books in the Series when ordering 
through A K Peters, Ltd.  Use the discount code CMSMember when ordering 
to save on current and upcoming titles in the Series.

Author inquiries for contributions to the series should be directed to 
David Langstroth at dll at cs.dal.ca.


Bewersdorff CoverThe Canadian Mathematical Society
Jonathan Borwein, Associate Publisher
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 613-562-5702
Email: office at cms.math.ca
Web: www.cms.math.ca

Bewersdorff CoverA K Peters, Ltd.
Klaus Peters, Publisher
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Tel: 781-416-2888
Email: editorial at akpeters.com
Web: www.akpeters.com 

Summa Summarum
CMS Treatises in Mathematics/

Mogens Esrom Larsen

Every mathematician, and user of mathematics, needs to manipulate sums 
or to find and handle combinatorial identities. In this book, the author 
provides a coherent tour of many known finite algebraic sums and offers 
a guide for devising simple ways of changing a given sum to a standard 
form that can be evaluated. Summa Summarum serves both as an 
introduction and as a reference for researchers, graduate and 
upper-level undergraduate students, and non-specialists alike: from 
tools as distinct as the most classical ideas of Euler to the recent 
effective computer algorithms by Gosper and Wilf-Zeilberger. The book is 
self-contained with relatively few prerequisites and is accessible to a 
very broad readership.

*Key Features*

    * Offers the reader a method to find a sum by following a reasonably
      simple recipe
    * Offers a comprehensive collection of known formulas for finite sums
    * Examples and counter-examples are used to illustrate important points
    * Great care is given to bibliographic references for further
      in-depth study
    * A reference for mathematicians and users of mathematics who
      encounter a difficult binomial coefficient sum
    * A supplemental textbook in combinatorics for students in
      mathematics and computer science

*About the Author*
Mogens Esrom Larsen is Associate Professor at the University of 
Copenhagen. He graduated from the University of Copenhagen (1965), and 
attended MIT (1969-70), where he was also later Associate Professor. He 
has written books in Danish on Complex Functions, Rubik's Cube, Group 
Theory, and Differential Equations, and has authored papers on several 
complex variables, combinatorics, finite groups, economics, and finite 
sums. He has been publishing popular problems in magazines in eight 
different languages for 20 years.

Cover image 

*Publication Info*
HC · 240 pp. · $49.00

*Quick Links

Preface (PDF) 

Table of Contents (PDF) 

Book Flyer 

A K Peters Website 

CMS Website 

*CMS Member receive
**20% off*
*Books in the CMS Treatises in Mathematics Series

Use Discount Code "CMSMember" when placing your order*

Order Here 

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