[cmath] ICMI Centennial Symposium (and bidding process for ICME-12)

Eric Muller emuller at brocku.ca
Tue Apr 3 18:20:09 EDT 2007

I have received the following information from Bernard Hodgson,  
Secretary General of ICMI,

Eric Muller
Canadian ICMI Representative

----- Forwarded message from bhodgson at mat.ulaval.ca -----

     Subject: ICMI Centennial Symposium

This note is intended as a reminder that the
Italian community of mathematicians and
mathematics educators will be hosting a symposium
on the occasion of the centennial of ICMI --- the
Commission was established in 1908, during the
International Congress of Mathematicians held in

The ICMI Centennial Symposium will be held in
Rome on March 5-8, 2008.  The venue of the
symposium is the Accadèmia dei Lincèi (on March
5-7) and the Istituto dell'Enciclopedía Italiana
(on March 8).

This symposium will be addressed to a selected
group of participants (150-200 people), under the

The First Century of the International Commission
on Mathematical Instruction (1908-2008)
Reflecting and Shaping the World of Mathematics Education

Starting out from a historical analysis of the
principal themes regarding the activities of ICMI
(reforms in the teaching of the sciences, teacher
training, relations with mathematicians and with
research, and so on), discussions will focus on
identifying future directions of research in
mathematics education and possible actions to be
taken to improve the level of scientific culture
in various countries.

The chair of the International Programme
Committee in charge of the symposium is Professor
Ferdinando Arzarello
(ferdinando.arzarello at unito.it) and the chair of
the Local Organising Committee is Professor Marta
Menghini (marta.menghini at uniroma1.it).

The programme includes plenary sessions, invited
short talks, and working groups. Most plenary
lectures will have a speaker and a reactor. Each
working group will have two leaders and up to 30
participants. People wishing to participate in a
given working group should contact one of its
chairs. It will also be possible to attend the
symposium as a free participant, without a
presentation, depending on global seat

More information can be obtained by visiting the
website of the ICMI Centennial Symposium,

Best wishes,


and also from Bernard (for your information)

This is a follow-up on the bidding process for ICME-12, to be held in 2012.

I reported to you earlier that three countries had indicated that they  
were intending to submit a bid.  I am pleased to confirm that all  
these proposals have materialised, so that the ICMI Executive  
Committee has received three official bids by the deadline of November  
1st, 2006. In alphabetical order, the three bidding countries are:

--  China  (Shanghai)
--  Korea  (Seoul)
--  South Africa  (Durban)

A preliminary assessment of the bids was done by the previous  
Executive Committee at its last meeting, in November 2006.  Site  
visits to the proposed cities are now being organised and a fuller  
examination of the bids will be done when the new ICMI Executive  
Committee has its first meeting, next June.

The Executive Committee expects to announce the choice of the site for  
ICME-12  before the end of 2007.

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