[cmath] Tenure-Track Position in Discrete and Computational Mathematics - Brock University

Alan Kelm akelm at cms.math.ca
Thu Jan 25 14:05:19 EST 2007



The Department of Mathematics invites applications for a probationary 
tenure-track appointment in an area of discrete and computational 
mathematics at the rank of Assistant Professor starting July 1, 2007.

The Department offers an MSc in Mathematics and Statistics, has an 
innovative and unique B.Sc. Mathematics program called MICA (Mathematics 
Integrated with Computers and Applications) and plays a leading role in 
Mathematics Education.

The successful candidate must have a PhD in Mathematics or related field 
by the time of the appointment, a proven record of or potential for 
research excellence, and an active research program that will attract 
external funding. Ideally, the candidate's area of research would 
complement that of current faculty.

The position requires undergraduate teaching including Combinatorics and 
Mathematics for Computer Science, graduate teaching, and supervision of 
graduate students. The successful candidate must demonstrate strong 
teaching abilities and a committed interest in the use of technology for 
the exploration, understanding and applications of mathematics.

The appointment is subject to final budgetary approval. The review of 
applications will start on February 28, 2007 and will continue until the 
position is filled. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, an outline 
of their research plan and a description of teaching philosophies, and 
arrange for at least three letters of reference (one of which should 
address teaching) to be sent directly to:

 	Chair of the Mathematics Search Committee
 	Department of Mathematics
 	Brock University
 	St. Catharines, Ontario
 	L2S 3A1, Canada
 	E-mail: mthomson at brocku.ca

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and 
permanent residents will be given priority. Brock University is committed 
to a positive action policy aimed at reducing gender imbalance in faculty; 
qualified women and men candidates are equally encouraged to apply. More 
information on Brock University can be found on the University's website 

This employment position is among those listed in the Employment section
of the CMS website:
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