[cmath] Call for Endowment Grants - 2006

Graham Wright gpwright at cms.math.ca
Tue Sep 5 08:30:37 EDT 2006

Call for proposals - 2006 Endowment Grants Competition

The Canadian Mathematical Society is pleased to announce the 2006
Endowment Grants Competition to fund projects that contribute to the
broader good of the mathematical community. The Endowment Fund is used
to fund such projects and the Endowment Grants Committee (EGC)
administers the distribution of the grants and adjudicates proposals for
projects. Depending on the performance of the CMS Endowment Fund, the
funds available for this year's competition may be less than past years.

Proposals must address the goal and statement of purpose of the Canadian
Mathematical Society.

The goal of the Canadian Mathematical Society is to support the
promotion and advancement of the discovery, learning, and application of
mathematics. The CMS Statement of Purpose is:

1.  To unify and support Canadian mathematicians through effective
communication, broad membership, sponsorship of diverse activities, and
partnerships with like professional societies.

2.  To support mathematics research through the communication of current
research to both the specialist and non-specialist, public recognition
of research accomplishments and collaboration with the research
institutes and granting agencies.

3.  To support the advancement of mathematics education through joint
projects with mathematics educators at all levels, promotion of
educational advancements, and partnerships with provincial ministries of
education and organizations supporting mathematics education.

4.  To champion mathematics through initiatives that explain, promote
and increase the general understanding of mathematics, provide
extra-curricular opportunities for students, and encourage partnerships
with corporate, government and not-for-profit agencies.

An applicant may be involved in only one proposal per competition as a
principal applicant. Proposals must come from CMS members, or, if joint,
at least one principal applicant must be a CMS member.

The EGC will consider funding proposals for a maximum of three years.
However, multi-year proposals must be funded from the funds available to
the EGC in the year of application. The EGC will consider funding
proposals to a maximum of $5,000 per year.

The EGC committee tends to favour proposals where CMS funds can be
leveraged or where proposals have no other natural funding body to which
to apply.

If it is anticipated that a proposal will generate something of lasting
financial value, proposers must indicate that this is the case and
declare their intent with respect to that value.

Application process. Application forms and templates as well as advice 
and directions are available at the CMS website 

Proposals must be received no later than September 30, 2006

The Chair of the Endowment Grants Committee invites emails expressing
interest in the grant as soon as possible

Dr. Karl Dilcher
Chair, Endowment Grants Committee
Canadian Mathematical Society
577 King Edward
Ottawa, ON  K1N 6N5
chair-egc at cms.math.ca


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