[cmath] CAIMS Invitation

Bill Langford wlangfor at uoguelph.ca
Tue Mar 7 16:27:06 EST 2006

Dear Chair or Head,

Please forward, to all mathematicians in your Department,
this invitation letter in plain text below and pdf attached.

Bill Langford, CAIMS President
Leah Keshet, CAIMS Membership Committee Chair


Dear Colleague,

The Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society
is a uniquely Canadian society aimed at representing the
community of applied mathematicians working in academia,
industry or government, or simply interested in the
welfare of applied mathematics in this country.  CAIMS
provides cost-effective meetings in Canada, with a friendly
and supportive atmosphere, where young trainees can feel
a sense of belonging.  It also allows more senior members
opportunities for networking and for creating a society
that is uniquely Canadian.  Here are a few of the exciting
activities that CAIMS members are working on today:

-  The Joint CAIMS-MITACS 2006 Annual Meeting, to be hosted
at York University, June 15-20, 2006.
-  The Cecil Graham Doctoral Dissertation Award and the
CAIMS Research Prize, to be awarded in June 2006 at the York
-  The 2007 CAIMS Annual Meeting, to be held at the
spectacularly beautiful Banff Conference Centre, May 20-24,
-  The International Council for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics has awarded the 2011 ICIAM Congress to Canada.
CAIMS members worked hard to win this bid.  CAIMS will
cohost ICIAM 2011 in Vancouver, with our partners SIAM and

For more information about CAIMS activities and membership,
please go to the CAIMS website:    http://www.caims.ca/

If you are not yet a member of CAIMS, we would like to
invite you to join.  Joining CAIMS takes only a few minutes
and is not expensive.  By becoming a member, faculty at any
Canadian university can also extend complimentary
memberships to their students.  Moreover, for a limited time,
CAIMS offers a one year complimentary membership to any
new faculty member at a Canadian university.

William F. Langford
CAIMS President
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Guelph
Guelph, ON  N1G 2W1
T 519 824 4120 x.53289
F 518 837 0221
wlangfor at uoguelph.ca

Leah Edelstein-Keshet
CAIMS Membership Committee Chair
Mathematics Department
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z2
T 604 822 5889
F 604 822 6074
keshet at math.ubc.ca

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