[cmath] Tenure-Track Position in Mathematics/Economics - Trent University

Alan Kelm akelm at cms.math.ca
Tue Jan 3 18:42:15 EST 2006


The Department of Mathematics and the Department of Economics invite
applications for a joint tenure track appointment commencing July 1, 2006,
subject to budgetary approval.  The competition is open to entry level
candidates but higher rank will be considered for exceptional
candidates. The Departments are particularly interested in individuals who
have established a record of academic achievements in both research and
teaching.  The position will be the core of a new financial
mathematics/economics group involving both departments.  Responsibilities
will include teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in the
area of financial mathematics and financial markets; maintaining an active
research program; and assuming a leadership role in the Applications of
Modelling Graduate Program.  This graduate program takes an
interdisciplinary approach towards quantitative methods, utilizing
computational, mathematical or statistical techniques in providing
M.Sc. or M.A. degrees in the application of techniques and the theory of
modelling.  The ideal applicant will have a PhD and a strong background in
research and teaching.

Applications should include in hard copy a covering letter; a statement of
research and teaching interests; curriculum vitae; sample publications or
manuscripts (not exceeding three); and letters from three referees. In the
event the applicant is short-listed, the department will invite each of
the referees to comment on scholarly potential and teaching
capability. Deadline for receipt of the application is February 3,  2006. 
The application should be sent by directly to:

Prof. Bing Zhou, Chair
Department of Mathematics
Trent University 
1600 West Bank Drive 
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada K9J 7B8
Phone: 705-748-1011 Ext 7531
e-mail: bzhou at trentu.ca

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian and
permanent residents will be given priority. Trent University is an
employment equity employer and especially invites applications from women,
Aboriginal people, visible minorities, and persons with disabilities.

This employment position is among those listed in the Employment section
of the CMS website:
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