[cmath] Call for Nominations -- Ribenboim Prize in Number Theory

David Boyd boyd at math.ubc.ca
Thu Dec 8 15:00:46 EST 2005

Ribenboim Prize in Number Theory

The Canadian Number Theory Association (CNTA) solicits nominations  
for the Fourth Ribenboim Prize, for distinguished research in number  
theory by a mathematician who is Canadian or has connections to  
Canadian mathematics.  This prize is normally awarded every 2--4  
years in conjunction with a CNTA meeting. The intention is to award  
the next prize at the 9th CNTA meeting to be held from July 9--14,  
2006 in Vancouver.


The prize winner will receive a certificate and medal and will give a  
plenary talk at the CNTA meeting.  Normally the prize winner will  
have received his or her Ph.D. within the last 12 years.  Nominators  
should submit a letter of nomination, a citation of not more than 250  
words, stating why the nominee should receive the award, a curriculum  
vitae of at most 20 pages, including a list of publications, and the  
names of 3 supporting references to the committee by February 1, 2006.

Electronic submission in  pdf  format  to  David Boyd  
<boyd at math.ubc.ca>  is preferred.

Ribenboim Prize Committee
c/o Professor David W. Boyd
Department of Mathematics
University of British Columbia
1984 Mathematics Road,
Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 1Z2

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