[cmath] Two Positions - University of Freiburg (Switzerland), Department of Mathematics

Alan Kelm akelm at cms.math.ca
Wed Nov 30 10:01:35 EST 2005

The Department for Mathematics at the University of Freiburg
(Switzerland) invites applications for the following positions:

1. Senior Assistant in Analysis and its Applications

It is part of the duties of the senior assistant to teach 4 to 6 hours a
week on all levels, mainly in analysis. An intensive research activity
is expected. She or he will supervise master theses, coach seminars, and
participate in administrative tasks of the department.

The successful candidate will have earned a Ph.D. in mathematics, show
strong promise of excellence in teaching, and have a strong research
record. The position starts October 1, 2006.

2. Doctor Assistant in Applied Mathematics

This is a postdoc position with teaching duties. Preference will be
given to candidates in the field of numerical analysis/statistics.
Good knowledge of scientific computing and willingness to participate in
statistical consulting is expected. The position starts September 1,

Both positions are limited to five years. The candidates are
supposed to master French or German and to understand the other
language. Send letter of application, current vita, references and
research plan to the address below before March 1, 2006. For
additional information, please contact also

     Prof.Dr. Norbert Hungerbühler
     Department of Mathematics
     University of Freiburg, Pérolles
     CH-1700 Freiburg, Switzerland

     norbert.hungerbuehler at unifr.ch

This employment position is among those listed in the Employment section
of the CMS website:

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