[cmath] Herman Goldstine Postdoctoral Fellowship at T.J. Watson IBM Research

Alan Kelm akelm at cms.math.ca
Wed Oct 12 10:23:55 EDT 2005

               2006-07 IBM Herman Goldstine Memorial
          Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mathematical Sciences

The Mathematical Sciences Department of the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research
Center invites applications for its 2006-07 Herman Goldstine Memorial
Postdoctoral Fellowship for research in mathematical and computer
sciences. The fellowship provides scientists of outstanding ability an
opportunity to advance their scholarship as resident department members at
the Research Center. The Research Center is located in Westchester County,
less than an hour north of New York City.

The Mathematical Sciences Department provides an atmosphere in which basic
research is combined with work on technical problems arising in
industry. Currently, about 100 permanent members, academic visitors, and
post-doctoral fellows are pursuing research in pure and applied mathematics
and in theoretical and exploratory computer science. Areas of research
include: algorithms (approximation, randomized, and on-line); coding
theory; cryptography; data mining (machine learning, pattern recognition,
and computational statistics); dynamical systems and differential
equations; high-performance computation (including scientific computing and
parallel computing); numerical analysis; optimization (discrete,
continuous, and stochastic); probability theory (stochastic models, risk
management, queues and queueing networks); statistics (time-series,
multivariate analysis, design, and reliability); and supply-chain and
operations management (pricing, optimization and performance modeling).

Close interaction with permanent department members is expected, but
fellows are free to pursue their own research interests.

Usually, one fellowship is awarded each year. Candidates must have a
Ph.D. degree after September 2001 or should expect to receive one before
the fellowship commences in the second half of 2006. The fellowship has a
period of one year, and may be extended another year by mutual
agreement. The stipend is expected to be between $95,000 and $115,000,
depending on the area and length of experience. An additional allowance
for moving expenses will be provided.

Applications will be accepted between October 1, 2005 and December 31,
2005. For complete and updated details, including the application
procedure, please visit the following web-site:


IBM is committed to work-place diversity, and is proud to be an
equal-opportunity employer.
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