Fields program announcement

Rick Jardine jardine at
Wed Jun 29 07:44:38 EDT 2005

Announcement:  Thematic Program on Geometric Applications of Homotopy Theory
               Fields Institute
               Toronto, Canada

               January-June 2007

This research program will develop new applications of homotopy theory 
in algebraic geometry, number theory and mathematical physics, and will 
include subprograms on the homotopy theory of schemes, stacks in 
geometry and topology, and higher categories and their applications.

The overall program organizers are:

Rick Jardine (Western Ontario), Lead Organizer, jardine at
Gunnar Carlsson (Stanford), gunnar at
Dan Christensen (Western Ontario), jdc at

Each subprogram will be two months in duration, and will incorporate 
graduate courses and five-day workshops.

The subprograms, their organizers, and dates of the workshops are the 

1) Higher categories and their applications (January-February)
   J. Baez (Univ. of California, Riverside)
   E. Cheng (Chicago)
   P. May (Chicago)

   Workshop: January 9-13, 2007

2) Homotopy theory of schemes (March-April)
   E. Friedlander (Northwestern)
   M. Karoubi (Paris VII)
   M. Kolster (McMaster)
   Workshop: March 26-30, 2007

3) Stacks in geometry and topology (May-June)

   K. Behrend (British Columbia)
   P. Goerss (Northwestern)
   B. Toen (Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
   Workshop: May 14-18, 2007

Funding will be available for junior researchers and graduate students; 
an on-line application will be available in 2006.

The conference website is

Further information about the program will appear on this website, as it 
becomes available.

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