NSERC University Faculty Award - University of Waterloo Pure Math

Alan Kelm akelm at cms.math.ca
Wed Jun 23 13:58:42 EDT 2004

The Department of Pure Mathematics at the University of Waterloo is 
seeking to nominate a woman or aboriginal candidate for an NSERC 
University Faculty Award in the Fall 2004 competition.  A 
departmental nominee will have demonstrated strong potential for 
research in a field that fits in with the research interests of the 
Department, as well as excellent teaching skills.  A successful 
nominee would assume a tenure-track position in the Department, 
normally effective July 1, 2005, with a reduced teaching load for the 
duration of the award.

The University Faculty Award was created by the Natural Science and 
Engineering Research Council to encourage Canadian universities to 
appoint very promising women or aboriginal researchers to 
tenure-track positions in science and engineering.  Further 
information on the program can be found at the NSERC web page: 

In accordance with the NSERC regulations for the awards, an applicant 
must be female or aboriginal and must be a Canadian citizen or 
permanent resident of Canada.  An applicant must either hold a 
doctorate degree, or have completed all the requirements for such a 
degree by the proposed appointment date.  Those interested in being 
nominated should submit their curriculum vitae, reprints and 
preprints, and should arrange for three letters of recommendation to 
be sent directly from the referees.  Application materials should 
arrive by August 1, 2004.

Please send applications to: Dr. F. Zorzitto, Chair, Department of 
Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 
N2L 3G1. The department's Web page is at 

Kimberley Gingerich
Administrative Assistant
Pure Mathematics
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON  N2L 3G1

Phone: (519) 888-4567 Ext. 3484
Fax: (519)725-0160

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