[cmath] Fwd: ICMI Study 19

Peter Taylor peter.taylor at queensu.ca
Fri Jan 11 19:34:07 EST 2008

Bernard Hodgson has informed me that a new ICMI 
study has been launched, this one co-chaired by 
our own Gila Hanna.  This includes a call for 
contributions.  See details below.
Best wishes for the new year.

>It is my pleasure to inform you that a new ICMI Study is now underway:
>ICMI Study 19: Proof and proving in mathematics education
>The two co-chairs for this Study are Gila Hanna, 
>University of Toronto, Canada, and Michael de 
>Villiers, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
>The Discussion Document is now available in PDF 
>format (including a call for contributions) in 
>the "Related Links" section of the study website 
>(which is still under construction but functional):
>Please widely disseminate this information in 
>your community and stress the following
>The Study conference will be held on May 10-15, 2009 in Taipei, Taiwan.
>The other members of the International Programme Committee are:
>Ferdinando Arzarello (Italy); Tommy Dreyfus 
>(Israel); Viviane Durand-Guerrier (France); Hans 
>Niels Jahnke (Germany); Fou-Lai Lin (Taiwan); 
>Annie Selden (USA); David Tall (UK); Oleksiy 
>Yevdokimov (Australia); Bernard Hodgson ex officio (Canada).
>ICMI Executive Advisors: Hyman Bass (USA); Mariolina Bartolini-Bussi (Italy)
>Best regards,
>Bernard R. Hodgson
>Secretary-General of ICMI -- Secrétaire général de la CIEM
>(International Commission on Mathematical Instruction /
>Commission internationale de l'enseignement mathématique)
>Département de mathématiques et de statistique
>Université Laval   Québec   G1K 7P4   Canada
>Téléphone : +1 418 656 2131, poste 2975
>Télécopie : +1 418 656 2817
>Courriel : bhodgson at mat.ulaval.ca
>Cyberpage personnelle:  http://www.mat.ulaval.ca/profs/hodgson/
>Cybersite CIEM / ICMI website:  http://www.mathunion.org/ICMI/
>Avis relatif à la confidentialité / Notice of 
>Confidentiality / Advertencia de 
>confidencialidad http://www.rec.ulaval.ca/lce/securite/confidentialite.htm

Peter Taylor,
Dept. Math&Stats
Queen's University
Kingston ON
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